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Nov 29, 2019
New Episode: Hot Fall Money Headlines and What It Takes to be a REAL Millennial
On this episode of #MYDM, we are covering hot fall 2019 money headlines and discuss what it takes to be a true, hardcore Millennial.

Nov 4, 2019
Millennials Who Are Killing It Financially and the Increasing Cost of HBCU Homecoming Season
When covering issues of money and personal finances, sometimes, we have to look at the bad so we can understand the good. But in this episod

Oct 16, 2019
New Episode: Understanding Rotating Credit and Savings Associations
In this episode of MYDM, we are taking a look at the concept of a Rotating Credit and Savings Associations, also known as lending circles an

Oct 8, 2019
New Episode: Career Turning Points and How the National Debt Affects You
On this episode of MYDM, Ben & Malcolm explore unlikely career turning points to help you think critically about your next career move.

Oct 2, 2019
New Episode: Understanding the Business of Commercial Real Estate Investing
In this episode of MYDM, Ben & Malcolm take a look at the lesser known world of commercial real estate investing.

Aug 26, 2019
New Episode: The Inner Workings of Venture Capital and Financing Early Stage Start-Ups
In the old days of American entrepreneurship, a business person only needed to settle on their business, open their doors, and start...

Aug 12, 2019
The Emergence of the Fin-Tech Industry📱and How It's Helping Consumers
What do you do when you need help with managing your money but can’t afford an expensive advisor? It's called “Fin-Tech”.

Aug 4, 2019
Money and the Marijuana Industry
It goes by many names. Weed. Pot. 420. Chronic. Ganga. Herb. Mary Jane. No matter what you call it, the legal marijuana industry is...

Jul 27, 2019
New Episode: The Meaning of "Risk" in Investing and Why Jeff Bezos is the Michael Jordan o
In previous episodes of Manage Your Damn Money, we’ve explored what it means to invest; everything from stocks to the specifics of an...

Jul 20, 2019
New Episode: The Foundations of a Solid Financial Plan
On Manage Your Damn Money, we cover heady topics like universal basic income and the implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017....

Jul 6, 2019
New Episode: What's an "Initial Public Offering" and Why Do They Seem So En Vogue?
Uber goes public. Lyft just celebrated their IPO, and Pinterest too! But what exactly is an IPO? How does it work? Why do companies do...

Jun 16, 2019
New Episode: Part 2 - The Policies Being Put Forth as Solutions to Economic Inequality
America and the world at large is coming to a broad, widely held conclusion -- economic inequality is becoming a problem. With the...

Jun 12, 2019
New Episode: Part 1 - Understanding Economic Inequality and the Policies Being Put Forth as Solution
America and the world at large is coming to a broad, widely held conclusion -- economic inequality is becoming a problem. With the...

Oct 7, 2018
New Episode: Is It Time for a New Kind of Capitalism?
A booming economy and record low unemployment numbers are our current reality in 2018. But how can an economy be booming at the same time...

Sep 30, 2018
New Episode: Nike's Controversial Ad Campaign, Millennial-Preferred Employee Benefits and Other
What are the implications behind Nike's controversial ad campaign? What are the most sought after employee benefits for Millennials? And...

Aug 11, 2018
New Episode: Major Financial Hurdles Facing Millennials and How to Overcome Them
Those born in the 1980s and on are facing some unique financial challenges – student loans, income inequality, and the question of social...

Aug 5, 2018
New Episode: Love and Money Again and NFL Rookie Saquon Barkley Plans to Save His $31 Million Contra
Would you date someone who is isn’t well established financially? Would you be okay if your woman was the breadwinner? Should you and...

Jul 24, 2018
Oldie But Goodie: Blavity Inc.'s Morgan DeBaun Joins MYDM (2017)
With recent news of our friends at Blavity Inc. closing $6.5 Million in venture capital funding, we thought it was a good time to take a...

Jul 23, 2018
New Episode: The Great Recession of 2008 and a Game Show That Pays Off Student Loans
The result of an over inflated housing market, bad loans and good old American greed, we take a look back at the causes, aftermath and...

Nov 27, 2016
Standing Rock, Native American Ancestral Lands... And Capitalism
Here in lies an incredible problem. On one side, we have an institution (in some cases) ready to provide monetary compensation for the viola
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